Monday 26 December 2016

The Ant and the Grasshopper - Somerset Maugham

The Ant and the Grasshopper
-         Somerset Maugham

       William Somerset Maugham was known as W. Somerset Maugham. He was a British playwright, novelist and short story writer. He was among the most popular writers of his era and reputedly the highest-paid author during the 1930s.

      We all have heard a fable of ant and grasshopper. This short story of Maugham has the same story but with different ending. Two brothers have replaced the role of ant and grasshopper.

      George Ramsay and Tom Ramsay are brothers. George is a man with sincerity and hard work. He has qualities of an ant. On the other hand Tom has a lazy nature. He gambles, passes times and do not care about future and savings. Tom accepts the wrong way to make money and he was also arrested for cheating a man. George as a lawyer saved him. George was very much concern for his family and reputation. At last Tom married an old rich lady and then Tom was....   Read the short story for suspense. 

        In this story, the end presents modern fable. The man who works and follows the morals was fooled by his younger brother. On the other hand Tom, who was a cheater, got a luxurious life. This story is a satire on modernity and beliefs that if we will be good with other then good would happen with us. A man with smart work exists in this world with good life than a morally good person.

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