Saturday 5 August 2017

From Preface to the plays of Shakespeare - Samuel Johnson

From Preface to the plays of Shakespeare
- Samuel Johnson

             In this essay, Samuel Johnson wishes to justify the relevance of Shakespeare even after so many years. He has observed Shakespeare’s style of writing and presented positive as well as negative points.

Observations by Johnson:

- Shakespeare has not used any hyperbolic language to gain the attention of readers. Other dramatists can only gain attention by hyperbolic or aggravated characters.

- Shakespeare has no heroes; his scenes are occupied only by men, who act and speak as the reader thinks that he should himself have spoken or acted on the same occasion.

- Sometimes Shakespeare represents the things and the event which lacks any possibilities but the presentation is very subtle and all the situations reflect the human nature in one or the other way.

- The event which he presented will not happen, but if it were possible, its effect would be probably be such as he assigned; and it may be said that,

“He has not only shown human nature as it acts in real exigencies (necessity and urgency of situation), but as it would be found in trial to which it cannot be exposed”

For this specific reason, Shakespeare’s dramas are considered as the “mirror of life”. It represents human sentiments in a very believable language.

- Characters in Shakespeare’s drama are men and women and not queens and kings. History requires Roman queens and kings but he thinks only on men.

- Dennis and Rymer (Critics) think his Romans are not sufficiently Roman. Voltaire (critic) criticizes that his kings are not completely royal.

- Shakespeare’s plays are not in the rigorous and critical sense either tragedies or comedies, but compositions of distinct kind. He had the expertise of uniting the power of laughter and sorrow, good and evil mingled with endless variety of proportion and innumerable modes of combination. He has presented the course of world in which

“The loss of one is the gain of another”

- It was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous (comical) character. Almost all his plays are divided between serious and ludicrous characters.

- This is a practice contrary to the rules of criticism will be readily allowed; but there is always an appeal to the criticism to nature. The end of writing is to instruct; the end of poetry is to instruct by pleasing. The element of instruct and pleasing one can get from the plays and poetry of Shakespeare.

- Shakespeare’s mode of composition is depended on the constant interchange of seriousness and merriment by which the mind is softened at one time and exhilarated at another. It can be said that he was a very commanding writer.

- Earlier there were three basic styles of writing drama, Comedies, Tragedies and History and Shakespeare had his command over all the three styles of writings.  Most of writers in their edition divided Shakespeare’s works into comedies, tragedies and history.

- Comedy – An action which ended happily to the principal person, however serious or distressful through its intermediate incidents, in their opinion, constructed comedy.

- Tragedy – It was not in those times a poem of more general dignity or elevation than comedy; it requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied, whatever lighter pleasure it afforded in it progress.

- History – It was a serious action with no other than chronological succession, independent on each other, and without any tendency to introduce or regulate the conclusion.

- During Shakespearean time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally. Shakespeare also wrote history in the form of historical plays. There is not much nearer approach to unity of action in the tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra, than in the history of Richard the Second. He wrote his historical plays with his own imagination. He has mastered the skill of making historical plays interesting.

- Shakespeare engaged himself in writing drama and poetry, he wrote poetry when the rules of writing poetry were not known and later it became his own distinct style of writing.

- Shakespeare was good at tragedy but was extraordinary at comedy. As a reader one may feel that he is making efforts to write tragic situations but comic situations came naturally to him. 

- Comedy by Shakespeare was largely depended on thought and language where as tragedy was depended on incidents and actions. His tragedy seems to be skilled and his comedy to be instinct. Comic scenes are totally depended on manners and words. Shakespeare’s style is still considered as the benchmark for ideal comic situations.

- Shakespearean style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity of his characters and their completely natural behaviour. They only react to the situations and circumstances.


- His first defect is that to which may be imputed most of evil in books or in men. He sacrificed virtue to convenience, and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

- He carries his persons indifferently through right and wrong, and at the close demised them without further care, and leaves their examples to operate by chance.

 This fault the barbarity of his age cannot extenuate; for it is always a writer’s duty to make the world better, and justice is a virtue independent on time or place.

- The plots are often loosely formed that sometimes he cannot comprehend his own design and always seem to go for an easier option.

- It may be observed that in many of his plays the later part is evidently neglected when he found himself near to the end of his work and in view of his reward, he shortened the labour to snatch the profit.

- He has no regard to distinction of time and place. Comic scenes sometimes fall flat and all the characters almost appears the same.

- In tragedy also the problem remains the same as it continuously get worst as his labour is more.

- The equality of words to things is very often neglected and trivial sentiments and vulgar ideas disappoint the attention.

- He has also neglected unities and violated those laws which have been instituted and established by the joint authority of poets and of critics.

- His histories, being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.

- Narration of dramatic poetry is naturally tedious. There is a sense of disproportionate pomp of diction. It is sometimes inactive in the progress of the action. 

Reference: Literary Criticism A Reading by  B. Das and J. M. Mohanty

To check your knowledge appear in the Quiz - Click here

Some important questions:

     1.  Explain the three styles of writing drama in brief.
     2.  Present any three positive aspects of Shakespeare’s writing style.
     3.  Present any three negative aspects of Shakespeare’s writing style.
     4.  Why “The loss of one is the gain of another” ?
     5.  His first defect is that to which may be imputed most of evil in books or in men.” Explain.


  1. Hi ma'am I am Hirva Pandya I write my answer
    Ans:1three styles writing drama of Shakespeare is comedy,tragedy,history
    Comedy: the play which ends happily it make Distress full thought happy and the thought of comedy create comedy plays Shakespeare comedy is romantic comedy,tragic comedy etc.

    Tragedy: this type of drama has calamitous conclusion with which common criticism of the age was satisfied whatever lighter pleasure it afford in progress

    History: this type of Shakespeare related to historical plays. In this plays serious action Wih no other than chronological situation it's independent in each other without any tendency to introduce regulate conclusion

    Conclusion: in this essay of criticism Samuel Johnson try to represent positive as well as negative aspects.

  2. Answer 2:
    Three positive aspects of Shakespeare writing styles is given below
    1: Shakespeare has not used any hyper bolic language to gain attention of the reader. Other dramatist can gain attention by hyper bolic&aggravated the characters

    2:Shakespeare has not heroes. His scene are occupied to only by who act&speak as reader thinks that he should him self have spoken or acted on some one occasion

    3:sometimes Shakespeare represent the thing &event which lacks any possibility but the presentation is very subtle and all the situations reflect human nature in or other way.
    4:the event which he presented will not happen but it were possible it effect would be probably be such As he assigned.

  3. 3: three negative aspects of Shakespeare writing style of drama is given below
    1:His first defect is that which may imputed most of evil in books or in men. He sacrifices virtue to convinced and he is so much careful to please then to instruct that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

    2:he carries persons in differently though Right and wrong and at the close demised them without further care and leaves care and leaves their example to operate by chance

    3: he has no regard to distinction of the time&,place comic sense fall flat and all the character appear same.

    4:he has been also neglected umities and violated those laws in which have been instituted and established by the joint authority of poets&critics.

  4. *Answer 1.*
    Three style of writing drama which is *1.comedy*
    *2. Tragedy*
    *1.comedy :-* An action which is ended happily and their opinion and constructed comedy.
    **2.Tragedy:-* It requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied.
    *3.History :-* It was a serious action with no independent on each other.
    *Answer 2:-* Three positive aspect of shakespeare which is
    *Shakespeare was good
    at tragedy but was extraordinary at comedy.
    Shakespearean style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity.
    Shakespearean time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally.
    **Answer 3:-*
    Three negative aspects of shakespeare which is
    He seems to write without any moral purpose.
    His histories being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.
    Shakespeare plays are sometimes inactive in the progress of the action.
    *Answer 4 :-*
    Because his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character.Almost all his plays are divided between serious and ludicrous characters.The element of instruct and pleasing one can get from the plays and poetry of shakespeare.Antony and Cleopatra is the best example of this sentence.
    *Answer 5:-* Shakespeare sacrificed virtue to convienience, and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

    1. Kindly edit your comment by writing your name

  5. Sneha jani
    *Answer 1.*
    Three style of writing drama which is *1.comedy*
    *2. Tragedy*
    *1.comedy :-* An action which is ended happily and their opinion and constructed comedy.
    **2.Tragedy:-* It requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied.
    *3.History :-* It was a serious action with no independent on each other.
    *Answer 2:-* Three positive aspect of shakespeare which is
    *Shakespeare was good
    at tragedy but was extraordinary at comedy.
    Shakespearean style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity.
    Shakespearean time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally.
    **Answer 3:-*
    Three negative aspects of shakespeare which is
    He seems to write without any moral purpose.
    His histories being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.
    Shakespeare plays are sometimes inactive in the progress of the action.
    *Answer 4 :-*
    Because his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character.Almost all his plays are divided between serious and ludicrous characters.The element of instruct and pleasing one can get from the plays and poetry of shakespeare.Antony and Cleopatra is the best example of this sentence.
    *Answer 5:-* Shakespeare sacrificed virtue to convienience, and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  6. *Answer 1.*
    Three style of writing drama which is *1.comedy*
    *2. Tragedy*
    *1.comedy :-* An action which is ended happily and their opinion and constructed comedy.
    **2.Tragedy:-* It requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied.
    *3.History :-* It was a serious action with no independent on each other.
    *Answer 2:-* Three positive aspect of shakespeare which is
    *Shakespeare was good
    at tragedy but was extraordinary at comedy.
    Shakespearean style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity.
    Shakespearean time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally.
    **Answer 3:-*
    Three negative aspects of shakespeare which is
    He seems to write without any moral purpose.
    His histories being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.
    Shakespeare plays are sometimes inactive in the progress of the action.
    *Answer 4 :-*
    Because his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character.Almost all his plays are divided between serious and ludicrous characters.The element of instruct and pleasing one can get from the plays and poetry of shakespeare.Antony and Cleopatra is the best example of this sentence.
    *Answer 5:-* Shakespeare sacrificed virtue to convienience, and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  7. Hello madam I’m *Dhruti Chavda *my answers of blogs task activity are as above
    Three styles writing drama of Shakespeare is as follows:
    *```Comedy```*: Comedy is action which ended happily to the principle person.It’s removed seriousness & distressful though.He is extraordinarily in writing comedy.His comedy largely depended on though and language.
    *```Tragedy```*: This is the type of his drama which requires only calamitous conclusion ,common criticism of the age of satisfied.As a reader one can feel that he is making efforts to write tragic situations .
    *```History```*: History of Shakespeare is a serious action with no other than chronological succession .It’s independent on each other .He writes without any tendency to introduce or regulate the conclusion.
    Three positive aspects of Shakespeare writing styles is as fellows:
    *1*..Shakespeare has not heroes;his scene are occupied to only by men,who act and speak as the reader thinks that he should himself have spoken or act on the same occasion.
    *2.* His characters of drama are men and women and not queens and kings.
    *3.* His style of writing is known by it’s smoothness and clarity of his characters and their completely natural behaviour.
    *1.* He has no regard to distinction of time and place.
    *2.* The equality of words to things is very often neglected and trivial sentiments and vulgar ideas disappoint the attention.
    *3.* His history begins neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.
    ~*“The loss of one is the gain of another “* because it was believed that Shakespeare’s plays had a little bite of everything from an extremely serious characters to extremely ludicrous(comical) characters.
    ```His first defect is that to which maybe imputed most of evil in books or in men.```Because he carries his persons indifferently through right and wrong .He sacrificed virtually to convenience ,he is so much careful to please than to instruct.

  8. Pandya Yesha
    Answer 1. The three writing styles of Shakespeare are: 1. Comedy,2. Tragedy, 3.History.
    1. Comedy- In general the play which ends happily is known as comedy.
    The point of Shakespearean comedy is not only to make people laugh but also to make them think.
    2. History- Shakespearean histories explored class systems of that time.He used historical events as a base in histories.
    3.Tragedy- The tragic conventions used by Shakespeare featured the death and destruction of people brought down by their own fatal flaws or the political machinations of others .

    Answer 2. Three Positive aspects:
    1. His heroes contain the characteristics of common men. He wrote about people who seemed real instead of using hypothetical assumptions.
    2.His has succeeded in convincing the readers that if this events were possible to take place, its effects would probably be such as he has presented.
    3. He had the expertise of uniting the power of laughter and sorrow, good and evil. His play had a little bit if everything.

    Answer 3. Three Negative aspects:
    1. He sacrificed virtue to convenience, he seems to write without any moral purpose.
    2. It is observed in his plays that, the later part is evidently neglected.
    3. His histories are neither tragedy nor comedy.Their is a sense of disproportionate pomp of diction. It is sometimes inactive in the progress of action.

    Answer 4. It was believed that his plays had a little bit if everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character. Almost all his plays are divided between good and evil, between serious and ludicrous characters. So where there is good and evil, their would always be "The loss of one and the gain of another".

    Answer 5. " His first defect is that to which may be imputed most of evil in books or in men". He sacrificed virtue to convenience, and he is so much careful to please them to instruct, that he seems to write without any !oral purpose. He carries his persons indifferntly through right and wrong.

  9. (((((ANSWER-1)))))
    There are three types of writing drama which gave in below
    {1} COMEDY: the play which ends happily to noble person however serious or fearfull.

    {2} TRAGEDY: it requires only disastrous.and it also dealt with love, pride and the abuse of power.

    {3} HISTORY: the study of past event particularly in human affairs.

    His positive aspects of writing style is gave in below
    {1} he has used only simple language to understand easily.

    {2} he had the expertise of uniting the power of laughter and sorrow.

    {3} his writing style known by its smoothness and clarity.

    His negative aspects of writing style is like,
    {1} sometimes his comic scenes fall flat and all the characters appears the same.

    {2} his histories, neither comedy nor tragedies and they are also no subject to any of their laws.

    {3} he has no regard to distinction of time and place.

    because most of his Plays are parted Between serious and comical character and also it was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to ludicrous character.

    Because he sacrificed virtu to convinience and also very careful to please then to instruct so that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  10. {{{{{BAMBHANIYA HIRAL}}}}}

    There are three types of writing drama which gave in below
    {1} COMEDY: the play which ends happily to noble person however serious or fearfull.

    {2} TRAGEDY: it requires only disastrous.and it also dealt with love, pride and the abuse of power.

    {3} HISTORY: the study of past event particularly in human affairs.

    His positive aspects of writing style is gave in below
    {1} he has used only simple language to understand easily.

    {2} he had the expertise of uniting the power of laughter and sorrow.

    {3} his writing style known by its smoothness and clarity.

    His negative aspects of writing style is like,
    {1} sometimes his comic scenes fall flat and all the characters appears the same.

    {2} his histories, neither comedy nor tragedies and they are also no subject to any of their laws.

    {3} he has no regard to distinction of time and place.

    because most of his Plays are parted Between serious and comical character and also it was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to ludicrous character.

    Because he sacrificed virtu to convinience and also very careful to please then to instruct so that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  11. Hiii mam i m kajal gohel i write my answer
    1 three style of written of drama by Shakespeare, 1 Comedy 2 Tragedy 3 History
    1 comedy by Shakespeare was largely depended on thought and language action, happiness to the principal person however serious or distressed thought. And the end of the drama is happy.
    2 Tragedy- it was depended on the incidents and action Only ans calamitous conclusion, with wich the common criticism of the age satisfied.
    3 History- in this drama was the serious action with no other than chronological succession independent on each other.
    ~*answer 2*~
    Three positive aspects of shekspear which is,
    1 shekspear has not used any hyperbolic language to gain the attention to other dramatist.
    2 shekspear represent the things and the event which lacks any Possibliliting but the presentation is very subtitle the situation reflect the human nature.
    3 Shakespeare's drama are considered as the "MIRROR OF LIFE" it represents human sentiment in a very believable language.
    Three negative aspects of shekspear
    1 it may be observed that in many of his plays the later part is evidently neglected. He shortend the labour to snatch the profit.
    2.his tragedy also the problem remains the same as it continuously get wrost as his labour more.
    3.his histories being neither tragedies nor comedies and any they are also not subject to any their laws.
    "The loss of one is the gain of another"
    Because of it was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely Ludicrous (comic) character. All his plays are divided between serious and ludicrous character.
    His first defect is that to wich may be imputed most of evil in books or in men because his sacrifice virtue of conversation and he is so much careful to please then to instruct that his person in differently through right nd wrong.


  12. Solanki kiran

    ¶¶,...Ans ....,(1 )¶¶

    Shakespeare's three style of writing drama .. (1) comedy, (tragedy), (history).
    [1] comedy:
    Comedy by Shakespeare was largely depended on thought and language ,and an action which end happily to the main character.

    [2] tragedy:
    Shakespeare's tragedy was depended on incidents and was not in those poem of more general dignit or elevation than comedy.

    [3] history:
    History was a serious action with no other than chronological succession, independent on each other .

    ¶¶,.... Ans (2).....,¶¶

    Three positive ....

    Shakespeare was brilliant dramatist.He has not only shown human nature as it acts in real exigencies ,but as it would be found in trial to which it cannot be exposed.

    His writing style is known by its smoothness and clarity of his character and their completely natural behaviour.

    He wrote poetry when the rules of writing poetry were not known and later it became his own distinct style of writing.


    Three negative aspects...

    He seems to write without any moral purpose.

    He has no regards to distinction of time and place.

    His histories, being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.

    ¶¶,.....Ans (4)....,¶¶

    It was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character. Almost between serious and ludicrous character.

    ¶¶,.....Ans (5).....,¶¶

    He sacrifice virtue to convenience ,and he is so much careful to please then to instruct ,that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  13. Hi madam ,
    Sweety langaliya

    The three writing styles of Shakespeare are

    - Comedy – An action which ended happily to the principal person, however serious or distressful through its intermediate incidents, in their opinion, constructed comedy.

    - Tragedy – It was not in those times a poem of more general dignity or elevation than comedy; it requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied, whatever lighter pleasure it afforded in it progress.

    - History – It was a serious action with no other than chronological succession, independent on each other, and without any tendency to introduce or regulate the conclusion.

    👉Ans.2 Three positive aspects
    - Shakespeare engaged himself in writing drama and poetry, he wrote poetry when the rules of writing poetry were not known and later it became his own distinct style of writing.
    His tragedy seems to be skilled and his comedy to be instinct. 
    - Shakespearean style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity of his characters and their completely natural behaviour. 

    👉Ans.3 Three negative aspects

    - His first defect is that to which may be imputed most of evil in books or in men.

    - He has no regard to distinction of time and place. 

    - In tragedy also the problem remains the same as it continuously get worst as his labour is more.

    - It was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous (comical) character. Almost all his plays are divided between serious and ludicrous characters.

    - He sacrificed virtue to convenience, and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  14. Hii ma'am I'm _Rajviba_ _Gohil_ I write my answers,
    *Ans 1* : Three style of writing drama of Shakespeare is, *1.* Comedy, *2.* Tragedy and *3.* History.
    *Comedy* : An action which ended happily to the principal person, serious or distressfull thought it's intermediate incidents. Contracted comedy.
    *Tragedy*: It was not in those times a poem of more general dignity or elevation than comedy, It requirs only a calamitous conclusion. That age was satisfied, whatever lighter pleasure it afforded in it progress.
    *History*: History was a serious action with no other than chronological succession and independent on each other. And any tendency to introduce or regulate the conclusion.
    *Ans 2*: Three positive aspects of Shakespeare's writing style it is,
    *1* : Shakespeare was not heroes, his scenes are the occupied to the only on man, who act and speak as well as the reader thinks that he should himself have spaken or act on the same occasion.
    *2* : His character of drama are in the men's and women's, he doesn't use the king and queen characters.
    *3* : Shakespeare's style of writing is clarity and smoothness of characters. and it was completely natural behaviour.
    *Ans 3* : Three nagative aspects of Shakespeare's writing style it is,
    *1* : In tragedy also the problem remains the same as it continuously get wrost as his labour is more.
    *2* : His historyes, being neither tragedies or comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.
    *3* : The plots are often loosely formed that sometimes he can't comprehend.
    *Ans 4* : " _The loss of one is the gain of_ _another_ ." Because of it was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious characters to an extremely ludicrous ( comical) characters. His plays are divided between serious and ludicrous characters.
    *Ans 5* : " His first defect is that to which may be imputed most of evil in books or in men."
    Because of he sacrificed virture to convenience, and he is so much Careful to please than to instruct that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  15. Hii ma'am....I m Liza.

    Three styles of writing drama.
    *1* comedy
    *2* tragedy
    *3* history.

    **1*comedy*: An action which ended happily to the principal person,however serious or disrespectful.
    *2 tragedy*: this type of drama has requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age.
    *3 history* it was a serious action with no other than chronological succession.

    Positive aspect.
    *1* Shakespeare has not used any hyperbolic language to gain the attention of readers.
    *2* characters in Shakespeare's drama are men and women and not queens and kings.
    *3* Shakespeare's plays are not in the rigorous and critical sense either tragedies or comedies, but compositions of distinct kind.

    Negative aspects.
    *1* His first defect is that he imputed most of evil in books or in men.
    *2* The plots are often loosly formed that sometimes he cannot comprehend his own design.
    *3* He has no regard to distinction of time and place.

    Because it was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything serious character to an extremely ludicrous characters. Antony and Cleopatra are the best examples of this sentence.

    Because he sacrificed virtue to convenience, and he is so much careful to please the to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  16. Mansi Bhaliya

    The three writting of Shakespeare are
    1) comedy
    2) tragedy
    3) history

    * 1) comedy:
    Shekespeare was largely depended on thought and happily to the main character.

    * 2) tragedy:
    Shakespeare was scrifies virtue to convinced and he should him self have spoken or acted on some one occasion.

    * 3) History:
    History was a serious action with no other than chronological succession, independent each in other.

    *Three positive aspects.

    1) Shakespeare was nice at tragedy but was extrordinary at comedy.

    2) Shakespeare Time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally.

    3) His writting style known by its smoothness and clarity.

    * Three negative aspects.
    1) shekespeare was regard to distinction of time and place.

    2) shekespeare was sometimes comic scenes fall flat and all the characters appears the same.

    3) shekespeare was seems to write without any moral purpose.

    Shekespeare was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremany ludicrous character. Almost between serious and ludicrous character.

    Shekespeare sacrificed virture to convinenience and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seens to write without any moral purpose.

  17. Mansi Solanki

    *~ The answer of 1 to 5 questions* :-

    *Ans.* *:- 1 :* The three style of writing drama are :comedy , tragedy and history.
    -- In drama Shakespeare has not used any hyperbolic language to gain the attention of readers .
    -- Characters in Shakespeare's drama are men and women are not kings and queens .
    --In drama of Shakespeare represents human sentiments in a very believable language .

    *Ans.* *:- 2 :* The three positive aspects of Shakespeare's writing style :
    -- Shakespeare wrote history in the form of historical plays .
    -- Shakespeare engaged himself in writing drama and poetry , he wrote poetry when the rules of writing poetry were not known and later it became his own distinct style of writing .
    -- Shakespeare's style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity of his character and their completely natural behaviour .

    *Ans.* *:- 3 :* The three negative aspects of Shakespeare's writing style :
    -- Shakespeare sacrificed virtue to convenience , and he is so much careful to please then to instruct , that he seems to write without any moral purpose .
    -- He has no regard to distinction of time and place .
    -- Comic scenes sometimes fall flat and all the characters almost appears the same .

    *Ans.* *:- 4 :* Shakespeare had the expertise of uniting the power of laughter and sorrow , good and evil mingled with endless variety of proportion and innumerable modes of combination .He has presented the course of world in which ,
    " The loss of one is the gain of another "

    *Ans* . *:- 5 :* Because Shakespeare used evil character in his books , that is his first defect. He used evil characters like ' Iago ' in Othello , ' Claudius ' in Hamlet , ' Lady ' Macbeth in Macbeth and Gonerill and Regan in King Lear .

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. *Answer 1.*
    Three style of writing drama which is *1.comedy*
    *2. Tragedy*
    *1.comedy :-* An action which is ended happily and their opinion and constructed comedy.
    **2.Tragedy:-* It requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied.
    *3.History :-* It was a serious action with no independent on each other.
    *Answer 2:-* Three positive aspect of shakespeare which is
    *Shakespeare was good
    at tragedy but was extraordinary at comedy.
    Shakespearean style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity.
    Shakespearean time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally.
    **Answer 3:-*
    Three negative aspects of shakespeare which is
    He seems to write without any moral purpose.
    His histories being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.
    Shakespeare plays are sometimes inactive in the progress of the action.
    *Answer 4 :-*
    Because his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character.Almost all his plays are divided between serious and ludicrous characters.The element of instruct and pleasing one can get from the plays and poetry of shakespeare.Antony and Cleopatra is the best example of this sentence.
    *Answer 5:-* Shakespeare sacrificed virtue to convienience, and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  20. Hiiii Mam.... I m rutu Solanki.*Answer 1.*
    Three style of writing drama which is *1.comedy*
    *2. Tragedy*
    *1.comedy :-* An action which is ended happily and their opinion and constructed comedy.
    **2.Tragedy:-* It requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied.
    *3.History :-* It was a serious action with no independent on each other.
    *Answer 2:-* Three positive aspect of shakespeare which is
    *Shakespeare was good
    at tragedy but was extraordinary at comedy.
    Shakespearean style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity.
    Shakespearean time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally.
    **Answer 3:-*
    Three negative aspects of shakespeare which is
    He seems to write without any moral purpose.
    His histories being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.
    Shakespeare plays are sometimes inactive in the progress of the action.
    *Answer 4 :-*
    Because his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character.Almost all his plays are divided between serious and ludicrous characters.The element of instruct and pleasing one can get from the plays and poetry of shakespeare.Antony and Cleopatra is the best example of this sentence.
    *Answer 5:-* Shakespeare sacrificed virtue to convienience, and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  21. Pandya mayuri.1.Ans. Shakespeare three dramatic styles
    1.Comedy 2.Tragedy 3.History

    1.Comedy : An Action which ended happily to the principal person, however serious or distressful through its intermediate incidents, in their opinion, constructed comedy

    2.Tragedy : It was not in those times a poem of more general dignity or elevation than comedy ; it requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied, whatever lighter pleasure it afforded in it progress.

    3.History : It was a serious action with no other than chronological succession, independent on each other and without any tendency to introduce or regulate the conclusion.
    2.Ans. The three positive aspects of Shakespeare writing style :

    1.Character in Shakespeare Drama are men and women not queen and kings.
    2.Shakespeare plays are not in the rigorous and critical sense either tragedies or comedies but compositions of distinct kind.
    3.Shakespear has not used any hyperbolic language to gain the attention of readers

    3.Ans.The three Nagative aspects of Shakespeare writing style

    1.Shakespeare mostly used of evil natural protagonist like Othello and Hamlet
    2.In tragedy also the problem remains the same as it continuously get worst as his labour is more.
    3.His histories being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.
    4.Ans. In the human nature the loss of one is the gain of another like perfect example of Shakespeare writing Othello loss the Desdemona gain of Iago the reveal of human.

    5.Ans.Yes, i 'm agree with Shakespeare writing because most of evil in book or in men because the innocent person are mostly victims of the evil men but evil men also won any situation and all society fear about the person he also successful to his goal.
    Example : Iago.

  22. Kajal Baraiya

    Ans: 1 There were three style of writing drama - Comedy, Tragedy and
    History. Shakespeare also write kind of this three types. Shakespeare
    Was good at comedy rather than tragedy. By writing drama he shown
    Character and his natural behaviour.
    Ans:2. Positive aspects;
    # He had the expertise of uniting the power of laughter and sorrow, good
    and evil.
    # His style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity of his character.
    # By used various characters he exposed human nature.
    Ans:3 Negative aspects;
    # He writes without moral purpose.
    # Narration in his drama is often tedious. His set speeches are cold and week.
    # There is no poetic justice in his plays.
    Ans:4. The loss of one is gain of another because when someone gets an advantage
    from someone else's bad luck.
    Ans:5. In Shakespeare's writing we saw that he shaw evil character in his drama or
    Play. He shaw evilness in his character or in his natural behave. Like, Dr. Jekyll
    and Mr. Hyde , Othello, etc.

  23. Maitri Makwana

    1. Three styles of writing drama is
    1.Comedies 2.tragedies 3.History

    2. Three positive aspects of Shakespeare's writing style is:
    - Shakespearean style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity of his characters and their completely natural behaviour. They only react to the situations and circumstances.
    - Shakespeare was good at tragedy but was extraordinary at comedy. As a reader one may feel that he is making efforts to write tragic situations but comic situations came naturally to him. 
    - Comedy by Shakespeare was largely depended on thought and language where as tragedy was depended on incidents and actions. His tragedy seems to be skilled and his comedy to be instinct. Comic scenes are totally depended on manners and words. Shakespeare’s style is still considered as the benchmark for ideal comic situations.

    3. Three negative aspects of the Shakespeare's writing style is:
    - He has also neglected unities and violated those laws which have been instituted and established by the joint authority of poets and of critics.
    - He has also neglected unities and violated those laws which have been instituted and established by the joint authority of poets and of critics.
    - His histories, being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.

    4. The loss of one is the gain of another,
    For example is,
    When Othello doubted Desdemona then Iago got pleasure.

  24. Jani Avni P.

    Answer1:three styles of writing drama of shakespeare is : 1) comedy 2) tragedy and 3) History.
    1. Comedy- An action which ended happily to the principal person , however serious or distrustful through its intermediate incidents, in their opinion, constructed comedy.
    2. Tragedy- It was not in those times a poem of more general dignity or elevation than comedy, it requires only a calamitous conclusion , with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied , whatever lighter pleasure it afforded in it progress.
    3. History- It was a serious action with no other than chronological succession , independent on each other , and without any tendency to introduce or regulate the conclusion.

    Answer2: Three positive aspects:
    1) His heroes contains the characteristics of common men. He wrote about people who seemed real instead of using hypothetical characters.
    2) His stories are not exaggerated. He has succeeded in convincing the readers that if the events in his plays were possible in life ,its effect would be probably be such as he has presented in his plays . His dramas are considered as the "Mirror of life".
    3) He had the expertise of uniting the power of laughter and sorrow good and evil, his plays had a little bit of everything.
    The element of instruct and d pleasing one can get from the plays of Shakespeare.
    Answer 3 - negative aspects
    1) he imputed most of evil in books or in men.he sacrificed virtue to convince, he seems to write without any moral purpose.
    2)it is observed in many of his plays the latter part is evidently neglected
    3) his histories being neither tragedies nor comedies.there is a sense of disproportionate pomp of is sometime inactive in the progress of action
    Answer4- it was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character.almost all his plays are divided between good and evil between serious and ludicrous where there is good nd evil there would always be leoss of one and again of another .
    Answer 5- he sacrificed virtue to convenience and he is so much careful to please them to instruct that he seems to write without any moral purpose. He Carrie's his persona in differently through right and wrong.

  25. Kajal Baraiya
    Ans: 1 There were three style of writing drama - Comedy, Tragedy and
    History. Shakespeare also write kind of this three types. Shakespeare
    Was good at comedy rather than tragedy. By writing drama he shown
    Character and his natural behaviour.
    Ans:2. Positive aspects;
    # He had the expertise of uniting the power of laughter and sorrow, good
    and evil.
    # His style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity of his character.
    # By used various characters he exposed human nature.
    Ans:3 Negative aspects;
    # He writes without moral purpose.
    # Narration in his drama is often tedious. His set speeches are cold and week.
    # There is no poetic justice in his plays.
    Ans:4. The loss of one is gain of another because when someone gets an advantage
    from someone else's bad luck.
    Ans:5. In Shakespeare's writing we saw that he shaw evil character in his drama or
    Play. He shaw evilness in his character or in his natural behave. Like, Dr. Jekyll
    and Mr. Hyde , Othello, etc.

  26. Hii ma'am....I m Liza.

    Three styles of writing drama.
    1 comedy
    2 tragedy
    3 history.

    1comedy: An action which ended happily to the principal person,however serious or disrespectful.
    2 tragedy: this type of drama has requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age.
    3 history: it was a serious action with no other than chronological succession.

    Positive aspect.
    1 Shakespeare has not used any hyperbolic language to gain the attention of readers.
    2 characters in Shakespeare's drama are men and women and not queens and kings.
    3 Shakespeare's plays are not in the rigorous and critical sense either tragedies or comedies, but compositions of distinct kind.

    Negative aspects.
    1 His first defect is that he imputed most of evil in books or in men.
    2 The plots are often loosly formed that sometimes he cannot comprehend his own design.
    3 He has no regard to distinction of time and place.

    Because it was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything serious character to an extremely ludicrous characters. Antony and Cleopatra are the best examples of this sentence.

    Because he sacrificed virtue to convenience, and he is so much careful to please the to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose

  27. Answer 1.
    Three style of writing drama which is 1.comedy
    2. Tragedy
    1.comedy An action which is ended happily and their opinion and constructed comedy.
    2.Tragedy:- It requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied.
    3.History -It was a serious action with no independent on each other.
    Answer 2:- Three positive aspect of shakespeare which is
    Shakespeare was good
    at tragedy but was extraordinary at comedy.
    Shakespearean style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity.
    Shakespearean time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally.
    Answer 3
    Three negative aspects of shakespeare which is
    He seems to write without any moral purpose.
    His histories being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.
    Shakespeare plays are sometimes inactive in the progress of the action.
    Answer 4-
    Because his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character.Almost all his plays are divided between serious and ludicrous characters.The element of instruct and pleasing one can get from the plays and poetry of shakespeare.Antony and Cleopatra is the best example of this sentence.
    Answer 5-Shakespeare sacrificed virtue to convienience, and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  28. Sneha jani
    Three style of writing drama which is 1.comedy
    2. Tragedy
    1.comedy An action which is ended happily and their opinion and constructed comedy.
    2.Tragedy:- It requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied.
    3.History -It was a serious action with no independent on each other.
    Answer 2:- Three positive aspect of shakespeare which is
    Shakespeare was good
    at tragedy but was extraordinary at comedy.
    Shakespearean style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity.
    Shakespearean time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally.
    Answer 3
    Three negative aspects of shakespeare which is
    He seems to write without any moral purpose.
    His histories being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.
    Shakespeare plays are sometimes inactive in the progress of the action.
    Answer 4-
    Because his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character.Almost all his plays are divided between serious and ludicrous characters.The element of instruct and pleasing one can get from the plays and poetry of shakespeare.Antony and Cleopatra is the best example of this sentence.
    Answer 5-Shakespeare sacrificed virtue to convienience, and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  29. Rutu solanki
    Three style of writing drama which is 1.comedy
    2. Tragedy
    1.comedy :- An action which is ended happily and their opinion and constructed comedy.
    2.Tragedy:- It requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied.
    3.History :- It was a serious action with no independent on each other.
    Answer 2:- Three positive aspect of shakespeare which is
    Shakespeare was good
    at tragedy but was extraordinary at comedy.
    Shakespearean style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity.
    Shakespearean time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally.
    Answer 3:-
    Three negative aspects of shakespeare which is
    He seems to write without any moral purpose.
    His histories being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.
    Shakespeare plays are sometimes inactive in the progress of the action.
    Answer 4 :-
    Because his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character.Almost all his plays are divided between serious and ludicrous characters.The element of instruct and pleasing one can get from the plays and poetry of shakespeare.Antony and Cleopatra is the best example of this sentence.
    Answer 5:- Shakespeare sacrificed virtue to convienience, and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  30. Susmita Sadhu

    *Ans :- 1*
    1 . Comedy 2 . Tragedy and 3 . History
    Ans :- 2
    -- Shakespeare has no heroes; his scenes are occupied only by men, who act and speak as the reader thinks that he should himself have spoken or acted on the same occasion.
    -- Shakespeare’s plays are not in the rigorous and critical sense either tragedies or comedies, but compositions of distinct kind.
    -- Shakespeare’s mode of composition is depended on the constant interchange of seriousness and merriment by which the mind is softened at one time and exhilarated at another.
    Ans :- 3
    -- His first defect is that to which may be imputed most of evil in books or in men.
    -- The plots are often loosely formed that sometimes he cannot comprehend his own design and always seem to go for an easier option.
    -- The equality of words to things is very often neglected and trivial sentiments and vulgar ideas disappoint the attention.
    Ans:- 4
    He had the expertise of uniting the power of laughter and sorrow, good and evil mingled with endless variety of proportion and innumerable modes of combination. He has presented the course of world in which

    “The loss of one is the gain of another”
    Ans :- 5
    Because Shakespeare used evil character in his books , that is his first defect. He used evil characters like ' Iago ' in Othello , ' Claudius ' in Hamlet .

  31. Dhruvi Dave

    Ans.1) The three style of writing drama in brief are as follows–
    1 ) Comedies
    2 ) Tragedies
    3 ) History
    1 ) COMEDIES – An action which ended happily to the principal person, however serious or distressful through its intermediate incident.
    2) TRAGEDIES – Tragedy only require a calamitous conclusion , with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied.
    3) HISTORY – It was serious action with no other then chronological succession independent on each other.

    Ans.2) The three positive aspect of Shakespeare are as follows–
    1) The dramas of Shakespeare are considered " Mirror of the Life " which represents Human Sentiments.
    2) He had power in mingling Sorrow and Laughter, Good and Evil.
    3) Shakespeare was good at tragedies but extraordinary at comedies.

    Ans.3) The three negative aspect of Shakespeare are as follows–
    1) He has no regards to distinct of time and place . sometime all the character seems to be same.
    2) His histories being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.
    3) He carries his character indifferently through right and wrong.

    Ans.4) Shakespeare plays are in rigorous
    and critical sense either tragedies or
    Comedies, but composition of
    distinct kind. His play had a little bit of everything serious and ludicrous , good and evil & sorrow and laughter.He mingle all this things with endless variety of proportion and innumerable modes of combination. So this suggest "the loss of one is the gain of another."

    Ans.5) "His first defect is that to which may be imputed most of evil in book or in men." because he sacrificed virtue to convenience. He seems to write without any moral purpose. He carries Hus person indifferently through right and wrong.

  32. Pooja Mer


    Three styles of writing drama of shakespeare are comedy tragedy and history.
    Comedy: an action which ends happily to the principle person.comedy by shakespeare was depended on thought and language.
    Tragedy: this type of tragedy requires only calamitous conclusion and was depended on incidents and actions
    History:it was a serious action with no other than chronological succession.
    Answer: 2

    Three positive aspects :
    1.Shakespeare's does not use any hyperbolic language.
    2.he represents the things and events which lacks any possible on the routine and reflect the human nature.
    3.characters in drama are men and women not queen and kings.

    3.Nagative aspects :
    1.He carries his persons indifferent through write and wrong.
    2.The equality of words to things is very often neglected and trival sentiment and vulgar ideas .
    3.Narration of poetry is naturally tedious.
    Answer: 4

    Because his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to extremely ludicrous character.His most of plays are this type that the loss of one is the gain of another.Ex.In Othello lago is gain power by the loss of Othello,s trust of Desdemona.

    His first defect is that to which may be imputed most of evil in books or men.beacause in society most of evil so he tried to sacrificed virtue to convenience,and careful to please then to instruct .And his writing is instructed.


    Three styles of writing drama.
    But there are different types of compositions.He had the skills to unify the power of laughter and misery.combined with good and evil endless variations and numerous modes of compound.
    1. Comedy
    It's a shakespearean comedy is one that has a happy ending. It's tone and style that is more light hearted than his other types of drama
    2. Tragedy
    It's requires only a calamitous conclusion which the common criticism of that age.
    In this types of shakespeare drama it was a serious action and which no other chronological succession .it was delended on each other


    There are some positive aspects of Shakespeare’s writing style.
    1) shakespeare's writing knows as smooth and clarity
    2)shakespeare drama are considered as the mirror of life
    3)his character of drama are man & women not qeens and kings

    *Ans:- 3*
    Negative aspects
    1) he write without any moral purpose
    2) Comic scenes sometimes fall flat and all the characters almost appears the same.
    3)His histories, being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.

    The element of instruct and pleasing one can get from the plays and poetry of shakespeare.Antony and Cleopatra is the best example of this sentence almost all his plays are divided between good and evil between serious and ludicrous character, so where there is good nd evil there would always be leoss of one and again of another .


    His first defect is that to which may be imputed most of evil in books or in men Because Shakespeare used evil character in his books , that is his first defect most of evil in book or in men because the innocent person are mostly victims of the evil men he also successful to his goal like a Claudius ' in Hamlet.

  34. Ans:1
    The three writting of shekespeare are
    1) comedy
    2) tragedy
    3) History

    1) Comedy:
    Comedy by shekespeare was largely depended on thought and happily to the main character.

    2) Tragedy :
    Shekespeare was scrifices virtue to convinced and he should him self have spoken or acted on some one occasion.

    3) History :
    History was serious action with no other than chronological succession, independent each in other.

    Ans : 2
    There positive acpeats

    1) Shakespeare was nice at tragedy but he was extraordinary at comedy.

    2) shekespeare time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally.

    3) His writting style known by its smoothness and clarity.

    Ans: 3
    There negative aspects.

    1) shekespeare was regard to distinction of time and place.

    2) shekespeare was sometimes comic scenes fall flat and all the characters appears the Same.

    3) shekespeare was seems to write without any moral purpose.

    Ans : 4
    Shekespeare was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous characters. Almost between serious and ludicrous characters.

    Ans : 5
    Shekespeare sacrificed virtue to convenience, and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seens to write without any moral purpose.


  35. Manisha Chauhan

    Ans - 1

    The three writing of Shakespeare are
    1- comedy
    2- tragedy

    1: comedy- An action which is ended happily and their opinion and constructed comedy

    2: Tragedy- It requires only a calamitous conclusion with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied

    3: History- It was a serious action with no independent on each other

    Ans - 2 Three positive aspect of Shakespeare which is

    1 : Shakespeare was good at tragedy but was extraordinary at comedy

    2 : Shakespeare time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally

    3 : His writing style Known by it's smoothness and clarity

    Ans - 3 Three nagative aspect

    1: His first defect is that imputed most of evil in books or in men

    2 : Shakespeare was seems to write without any moral purpose

    3 : He has no regard to distincation of time and place

    Ans - 4

    It was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character,

    Ans - 5

    Shakespeare sacrificed virtue to a convienience and he is so much careful to instruct that he seems to write without any moral purpose,

  36. Chudasama yogitaba
    comedy , tragedy , history
    Comedy : An action which ended happily it's call comedy
    Tragedy : it was not those times a poem of more general dignity or elevation than comedy
    History : it was a serious action with no other than chronological succession on each other without any tendency

    ‌ Ans. 2 : Three positive aspect of
    Shakespeare which is .
    1. Shakespeare was good at tragedy and Shakespeare's drama are men and women not queen and kings .
    2. Shakespeare’s plays are not in the rigorous and critical sense either tragedies or comedies, but compositions of distinct kind
    3. Shakespeare time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally .

    ‌ Ans.3 :
    1. He sacrificed virtue to convenience, and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose.
    2. tragedy also the problem remains the same as it continuously get worst as his labour is more.
    3. His histories, being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.

    ‌ Ans .4 :
    The lose of one is gain of another
    It was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous (comical) character. Almost all his plays are divided between serious and ludicrous character.

    ‌ Ans .5 :
    Shakespeare was used evil character in his book because he sacrificed virtue to convenience . He was seems to write without any moral purpose .

  37. Hii ma'am... I am Rinkal.

    There were three style of writing drama :
    1) Comedy,
    2) Tragedy &
    3) History.
    Shakespeare also write kind of this three types. Shakespeare was good at comedy rather than tragedy. By writing drama he shown character and his natural behavior.

    Positive aspects :-
    # He had the expertise of uniting the power of laughter and sorrow good and evil.
    # His style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity of his character.
    # By used various character he exposed Human nature.

    Negative aspects :-
    # He writes without moral purpose.
    # Narration in his drama is often tedious. His set speeches are cold and week.
    # There is no poetic justice in his plays.

    Ans:4 *
    The loss of one is gain of another because when someone gets an advantage from someone else bad luck.

    In Shakespeare writing we saw that he Shaw evil character in his character or in his natural behave. Like. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Othello. etc...

  38. Hi I'm poyani
    Ans -1
    Three style of writing drama is
    *Comedy -an action which end happily in their opinion and construct comedy
    *tragedy -it requires only a calamitous conclusion with common criticism.
    *history -serious action with no other than chronological succession

    Three positive aspects of Shakespeare's
    1- Shakespearean writing style is known by smoothness and clarity of his character and completetly natural behavior
    2- shakespear was expertise of uniting the power of laughter and sorrow good and evil endless variety of proportion and imumerals mods of combination
    3-Shakespeare drama are consider as a mirror of life it represents human sentiment in a very believable language.

    Ans 3
    Negative aspects of Shakespeare's
    1- he has no regard to distinction of time and place
    2-sometimes his comic scene fall flat and all the characters almost appears the same
    3-he also neglected unities and violated those lows.

    Ans 4
    It was believed that his plays had little bit of everything from extremely serious characters an extremely ludicrous character. Almost his all play are devided between serious and ludicrous character..

    Ans -5
    He is so much careful to please there to instlruct that he seems to write without any moral purpose...

  39. Bhaliya alka. Ans 1: ~ 1 history ,2 comedy ,3 tragedy
    History: ~
    It was a serious action with no other than chronological succession.
    An action which ended happily to the principal person ,however serious or distressfull through its intermediate incident.
    It was not in those times a poem of more general dignity or elevation that comedy; it require only a calamitious confusion.

    Ans 2
    Three positive aspect
    1= Shakespeare has not used any hyperbolic langaguage to gain the attention of readers.
    2=characters in Shakespeare's drama are men and women and not queen and kings .
    3= Shakespeare's drama are considered as the "mirror of life ".

    Ans 3

    1= The quality of words to things is very often neglected and established by the joint authority of poets and of critics.

    2= in tragedy also the problem remains the same as it continuously get worst as his labour is more.
    3= narration in drametic poetry is naturally redious.

    Because the expertise of uniting the power of laggter and sorrow ,good and evil mingled with endless variety of proportion and innumerable modes of combination

    Ans 5=

    His first defect is that to which may be imputed most to evil in books or in men . because he secrificed virtue to convenience ,and he is so without any moral purpose.

  40. Janvi Goswami

    The three writing of Shakespeare are
    1) comedy
    2) tragedy
    3) history

    *1) comedy:
    Shakespeare was largely depended on thought and happily to the main character.

    *2) tragedy:
    Shakespeare was scrifies virtu to convinced and he should him self have spoken or acted on some one occasion.

    *3) History:
    History was a serious action with no other than chronological succession , independent each in other.

    *Three positive aspects.

    1) Shakespeare was nice at tragedy but was extraordinary at comedy.

    2) Shakespeare time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally.

    3) His writing style known by its smoothness and clarity.

    * Three negative aspects.
    1) Shakespeare was regard to distinction of time and place.

    2) Shakespeare was sometimes comic scenes fall flat and all the characters appears the same.

    3) Shakespeare was seems to write without any moral purpose.

    Shakespeare was believed that his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character.Almost between serious and ludicrous character.

    Shakespeare sacrificed virture to convinenience and he is so much careful to please then to instruct , that he seems to write without any moral purpose.

  41. Hi I am Dhara Parmar

    Three style of writing drama which is *1.comedy*
    *2. Tragedy*
    *1.comedy :-* An action which is ended happily and their opinion and constructed comedy.
    **2.Tragedy:-* It requires only a calamitous conclusion, with which the common criticism of that age was satisfied.
    *3.History :-* It was a serious action with no independent on each other.
    *Answer 2:-* Three positive aspect of shakespeare which is
    *Shakespeare was good
    at tragedy but was extraordinary at comedy.
    Shakespearean style of writing is known by its smoothness and clarity.
    Shakespearean time both tragedy and comedy were treated equally.
    **Answer 3:-*
    Three negative aspects of shakespeare which is
    He seems to write without any moral purpose.
    His histories being neither tragedies nor comedies and they are also not subject to any of their laws.
    Shakespeare plays are sometimes inactive in the progress of the action.
    *Answer 4 :-*
    Because his plays had a little bit of everything from an extremely serious character to an extremely ludicrous character.Almost all his plays are divided between serious and ludicrous characters.The element of instruct and pleasing one can get from the plays and poetry of shakespeare.Antony and Cleopatra is the best example of this sentence.
    *Answer 5:-* Shakespeare sacrificed virtue to convienience, and he is so much careful to please then to instruct, that he seems to write without any moral purpose.
