Tuesday 1 August 2017

Oral Presentation skills - 8 - BCA - 3

8. Concluding Presentation


          The conclusion of the presentation is as important as its introduction, but is much shorter in length. A conclusion can be memorable if the introduction and the presentation was effective. It is a part where we settle the purpose of our speech. The audience should be able to see clearly how the introduction, the middle and the conclusion are beautifully tied up to form a chain. This is an intense task and this has to be done well.

Signalling the end:

        In order to indicate audience that you are going to end your speech, you need to use verbal or non-verbal cues.

Verbal cue:
      ®    In the end I would like to say...
      ®   Let me share with you one last thought...
      ®   Let me conclude by saying.....
      ®   Finally, I would like to wind up by saying....


      ®    A change in the tone of your voice.


      The review should contain a re-statement of our thesis and a summary of our main points. We can draw the attention of our audience to the reference made our introduction.

Emphatic closing:

      An emphatic closing statement will help the audience to remember the talk favourably. A weak ending can nullify many of the previous gains. A strong closing statement will give the speaker’s remarks a sense of completion. 

Reference book: - Business Communication. Sathya Swaroop Debasish & Bhagaban Das. PHI Learning Private Limited. New Delhi.  

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