Saturday 5 August 2017

The Elizabethan Age - 1550 - 1620

The Elizabethan Age - 1550 - 1620


       As any great development of the national life is connected with the development of national literature, the age of Elizabethan can be considered as,

"The first creative period of English Literature"

In Milton's world it can be considered as,

"A noble and puissant nation, rousing herself, like a strong man after sleep, and shaking her invisible locks"

      In the administration of Queen Elizabeth, the nation has progressed by gigantic leaps rather than slow historical process, and English literature reached the very highest point of its development. Elizabeth with all her vanity and inconsistency, steadily loved England and England's greatness and by this she inspired all her people with the unbounded patriotism.

Literary characteristics:

1. Religious Toleration:
        Elizabethan found that the England is divided is in two parts, North was of Catholics and southern countries were of Protestants. Elizabethan has favoured both religious parties and for the first time Catholics and Protestants were acting together as trusted counsellors of a great self-governing nation. This environment has united all the Englishmen. For the first time the question of religious tolerance seems to be settled, and the mind of man, freed from the religious fears and turned into other forms of activity.
       With religion tolerance and freedom of thinking, Englishmen were ready to have the taste of literature. Great writers emerge from this freedom and inspiration.

2. Social contentment:

       This was a time of satisfaction, because people were getting employments. The development of towns and in manufacturing, gave employment to those who was unemployed and discontented. Incensement in trading business brought wealth in England. Rich people were in support to help poor and were providing them employment. This new attitude of living life and wealth has also helped in new literary activities.

3. Enthusiasm:

     People were getting rich and were getting employments. They were happy and this happiness has filled them with the joy of living life. Bacon has said,

"I have taken all knowledge of my province"

     There was a flow of imagination and thinking in a positive manner. Poets of this age were creating poems which became young forever. Cabot, Drake, Frobisher, Gilbert, Raleigh, Willoughby and Hawkins expored new earth to men's eyes. Dreams and deed were going parallel in the age of Elizabethan. People were dreaming bigger and also working on the dreams. (W. J. Long)

4. The Drama:

     The Age of Elizabethan can be considered as the age of Drama. There were also poets life Edmund Spenser and Shakespeare,  but the plays of Christopher Marlow and Shakespeare were more famous. There was a dominant position of the drama and play on the mind of people. Neither poetry, nor the story cna express the whole man but drama can. By the writing of Shakespeare, drama is still alive after 400 years of his writing. (Long)

Writers of the age:

        The Elizabethan age from yeshab68

Works Cited

Long, W. J. "English Literature." Long, W. J. English Literature. n.d.


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